Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Post

Oh, the pressure, the pressure. This is the inaugural post, and it feels like it should be momentous. This post marks the start of a new blog, and its readers should celebrate the innocence of it all. A few years from now, when I am using this space to extol the virtues of trans fats and children's toys with lead-based paint, you can say you read me before I sold out to the man.

A bottle of champagne should surely be broken against the side of a ship to celebrate the occasion. Failing that, I will just say thanks for checking out the blog and leave the rest to the poetic stylings of Judge Smails.

It's easy to grin,
when your ship comes in,
and you've got the stock market beat.
But the man worthwhile,
is the man who can smile,
when his shorts are too tight in the seat.

1 comment:

  1. It is never too late to perfect your caddyshack quotes. As anyone who has ever been on a golf course knows, most people know enough of them to be dangerous, but many are butchered beyond the point of recognition. I, myself, learned something today. I always thought Judge Smails said pants, but I looked it up and Craig, sir, you are correct. Shorts it is. Top notch, top notch!!!
