Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Audi is Gone Baby Gone

I bid an impromptu farewell to my car last week. As I mentioned in my last post, my not-so-dependable ride broke down on my way into Savannah for a work conference last Monday. The estimate I received the next day was, uhhh, not good. Specifically, the mechanic told me it would be at least three grand, and probably more. No thanks. So I made arrangements to have the Audi towed off one final time, with the proceeds going to charity. It was a bit surreal to be leaning against the front wall of a repair shop with luggage, golf clubs, and a tote bag full of everything I could grab out of my dilapidated "luxury" car watching it bounce down the back roads of a foreign town on the back of a tow truck. It did seem like a fitting end to the relationship.

So I'm in a bit of a scramble to get a replacement ride and generally feeling like things are just a bit off the rails. At least I did feel that way until a news story this morning gave me some perspective. I noticed a story about an actress from the movie Gone, Baby, Gone being arrested. I wasn't thrown off by that. Hey, it's not uncommon for the bright spotlight of fame to lead people down the wrong path and cause some poor judgment. But then I opened the article. Whoa. I understand that a mugshot is obviously not going to capture you looking your best, but that is brutal. Never mind the fact that she was busted trying to steal a used 32-inch TV. What, was the "need a penny, take a penny" bowl at the local QuikTrip too tough a heist? What's that worth, like $75? Anyway, this story appears to have a happy ending. As the article states,

Schwindt (boyfriend) told us that Quigg, who has two children, ages 8 years old and 19 months, is “addicted to heroin.’’ He said she’s at the CAB Boston Treatment Center doing a seven-day detox.

“She has a problem and, hopefully, she’ll get help," he said.

Fantastic. Typically a nice seven day run is more than enough to kick heroin.

Jill Quigg, looking good even before the start of an express heroin-detox session.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Craig. I've spent some time this Saturday morning reading your blog. Just want you to know that I've laughed out loud numerous times & think you have a wonderful talent for writing and for seeing the absurdity in life. The Audi entry is hilarious - especially the tie-in to the Quigg story & your comments about her photo. Also like the blog about the kid seated next to you on a flight w/his action figure toys. Oh so true!!!
