I PRAISE YOU 24/7!!!!!! AND THIS HOW YOU DO ME!!!!! YOU EXPECT ME TO LEARN FROM THIS??? HOW???!!! ILL NEVER FORGET THIS!! EVER!!! THX THO... 5:12 PM Nov 28th via Twitter for iPad
You tell him, Stevie! Honestly, that requires some serious stones. It’s one thing to not believe in God in the first place. It is quite another to believe that God has the power to guide a football out of your highly paid hands on national TV and then tell that same God to cram it. And not even in an off the cuff slip of the tongue. No, Stevie Johnson took to Twitter, typed out his retort, and published it. Hey God, you like that 24/7 praise you've been receiving lately? Well you can forget it now, brother! Oh yeah, and I'm going to make change in the offering plate next week, too. Deal with that.
If I'm being honest, though, I have to say I don't really have a problem with Johnson's reaction to the situation. When I initially saw the story, my initial thought was to bash him. Anybody who does believe in God has had this exact thought at some point, though. Johnson just went ahead and pecked that thought into his ipad and hit publish instead of just letting it bounce around in his brain. If you read through his Twitter postings, you'll see that he softened his feelings soon after. Actually you would first learn that " YUNG N.A.Z CLOCKWORK MIXTAPE HOSTED BY: ZFBEATS COMING SOON", then you would learn that he softened his feelings toward God. So I say good for you, Stevie Johnson! Your spiritual honesty is to be commended. I might not stand near you in a lightning storm, but I applaud you from afar.
I was quite happy to see his tweet (or his tweet quoted in whatever sport page I was on). Too many players are constantly thanking God for making a play it was about time someone blamed God for the miss. No matter how religious you are, I can't imagine anyone that actually believes that God would favor one team over another (unless you are talking about dook as God clearly doesn't like the devils).