Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stuff About Stuff and Having Too Much of It

Whoa, say what? While in Nantucket last week, I ventured into a local bookstore in search of tales of the sea or perhaps a nautical map that appeared to hail from centuries ago. Though sadly much of the store turned out to be run of the mill bookstore fare, I did find a couple of books and a magazine worthy of purchase. As I stood in line, I noticed the guy in front of me head toward the exit with a book about "stuff". I thought nothing of it and made my way to the counter, unaware that I was headed for some serious irony.

As I stepped up, the lady behind the counter informed me that they were giving away a free book and tote bag to everyone making a purchase. Okay, I guess I'm all for some free stuff I thought. Perhaps it's something with a bit of local Nantucket flair or something tied to the island's whaling past? Nope...

That's right, it's a book about how we all have too much stuff and how that fact is destroying our lives and the planet. And how best to promote such a minimalist philosophy? Why, by handing out unsolicited copies of your book and a similarly themed tote bag to people who have expressed no discernible interest in them of course. Unreal. Alanis Morissette, in the unlikely event that you Google yourself and find yourself reading this blog, that's ironic.

Why yes Alanis, it is ironic.


  1. That's classic. Wait, I thought all my T-shirts were ironic . . . no?

    I'm disturbed by the idea that Alanis Morrisette is the goober in that picture.

  2. "Have you noticed that everyone else's stuff is shit and your shit is stuff? ....! And you say, "Get that shit offa there and let me put my stuff down!"
    - George Carlin

  3. I don't what's funnier, that George Carlin riff or what's going on directly beneath it. I wonder if he's aware that somewhere on the Internet that riff of his is posted and directly beneath it is an ad for, where you can buy Himalayan kittens. Money.

  4. Post a review of the book for your next blog. My gut tells me there's a certain merit to the argument that Mrs. Tree Hugger is going to make, but that only my wife would benefit from it and no way she actually takes the time to read that book.
